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Production of detergent shampoo making machine considerations and technical requirements

by:Meibao     2020-10-22
Production of detergent shampoo making machine considerations and technical requirements 1, simple mixer can only produce is not in conformity with the national standard and short shelf life of low-grade catharsis things simple traditional mixer can produce low-grade don't reach the national standard of cleaning products, mainly raw materials such as sulfonic acid, 6501, caustic soda AES 80 - 90 mix well after water washing products, sold to restaurants and other places, although the market quantity is large, but the quality guarantee, product storage period is short, easy delamination smell, affect the health, cannot be in supermarkets, although or cottage industry after years of factory production, hard to succeed. As countries increasingly specification management of the catering industry, the simple mode of production will fall into disuse. 2, due to the simple mixer made simple, many small retailers make machining cost is low, after manufactured in each big media advertising to attract buyers, customers buy back after making machine quality closes nevertheless affect the market due to the bad product emulsion. What's more, these small retailers will install a simple production machine department mixer, making machine installed at the bottom of the emulsifying machine, but after long time making machine at the bottom of the sealing ring will ooze water, serious when electrical short circuit caused safety accidents. Some unscrupulous traders to take advantage of low price to attract users, making machine inferior material, use less than a few months making machine rusty, and use the supermarket on the market a few hundred dollars to buy back the small simple water filters are assembled to make machine as water making machine, lead to products because the bacteria cause metamorphism. Affecting product quality, production of washing product technology content has the good after making machine, is also very important technical formula, has never been properly school some small retailers, completely without washing professional knowledge, pieced together after from xinhua bookstore to buy a few books will not mature formula provides to the user, also do not know anything about washing technology users back after picked up, the result caused by product quality closes nevertheless failure. The pusher mainly adopts sulfonic acid, 6501, AES, caustic soda, etc. 5 Six simple configuration of washing supplies raw materials, due to low product integrated components, decontamination performance cannot and market brand-name products, really good washing at least 15 - product technical formula 20 kinds of raw materials distribution, only in this way can give full play to the role of each raw material, the formation of fine product performance. Many customers buy back after making machine, found that the product quality is poor, and blind increase the amount of raw materials, not only the product cost is high, but also affect the product quality, just like people eat, eat many bad to the body not only, but also affect the body health. High quality cost-effective technology formula, although raw material variety, but relatively single kind of raw materials, less comprehensive cost will be lower, so the correct choice there is knowledge, have the technical strength of the factory cooperation is the key to success. In addition, the so-called mother liquid detergent that sells on the market directly against the production of detergent, water is in fact the above several simple raw material mix semi-finished products, while the cost is low, but after the other party or to make money to sell to you, but the quality is guaranteed. 4, and washing powder making machine used a machine to produce more liquid detergent is a scam! With cultural knowledge knows, washing powder and liquid detergent belong to two different phase and also the product, production machine and the principle, a completely different production conditions are completely different, especially in the production of detergent shampoo etc. , on health products cannot be a workshop with washing powder production. The pusher is fraud, is an upgrade of ignorance, the second is covet is cheap, in fact, pusher provide detergent liquid detergent multi-function making machine is transformed two small mixer. Detergent production factory house, the previous: old cosmetics market, cannot be ignored
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