Professional manufacturer of Detergent Powder Production Line and Liquid Detergent Production Line.

Liquid Detergent Production Line
How about Meibao sales net?
A sound and complete sales network means a lot for exporting companies because it can boost their business. The sales network of Zhejiang Meibao Industrial Technology Co., Ltd has been expanding a lot. Networking is important in sales. Multiple social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and blogging act as a channel for getting our products into the sales circuit. We ensure a frequent social presence to market our brand and keep updating products. We are active in attending international exhibitions to promote our products to customers from overseas countries, therefore increasing our brand awareness.
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After years of devotion to the production of sodium silicate production line, Meibao has become one of the strong and competitive manufacturers in the market. Meibao has created a number of successful series, and detergent production line is one of them. The design of Meibao high spray tower washing powder plant follows many principles. They are operation accuracy and repeatability, friction management, etc. The product is made of refractory material. The product has gained remarkable sales in the global market and has a good market outlook. Its agitator speed could be adjusted by frequency converter.
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We aim to stay at the forefront of implementing sustainability practices. We achieve this by reducing CO2 emissions and production waste from our own manufacturing.

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