Professional manufacturer of Detergent Powder Production Line and Liquid Detergent Production Line.

What is the proportion of material cost to total production cost for washing powder production line ?
It changes based on manufacturers who adopt technologies that are various. Sometimes material price might be high. As soon as the wastes are recycled and used for manufacturing, the producer in reality succeeds in price reduction. Zhejiang Meibao Industrial Technology Co., Ltd is a business dedicated to the manufacturing of washing powder production line . The source of raw material is guaranteed and the technology has been designed to decrease the price and enhance the overall caliber to the greatest extent.
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Thanks to years of focus on the design and production of high spray tower washing powder plant, Meibao has been a reliable manufacturer and distributor. Meibao has created a number of successful series, and sodium silicate production line is one of them. The manufacture of Meibao oil fired hot air furnace is professional. The process mainly includes metal material purchase, rack manufacturing, component processing assembly, and debugging. The product can be designed with a control system that adopts simple manual operation or central computer integrated automatical control. It has the good soundproof capability. Its heart board part is made of premium timber such as extrusion chipboard or designed with a bee structure, all which can effectively keep out the sound. Its agitator speed could be adjusted by frequency converter.
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We embed sustainable practices into our production process. We try to minimize our use of energy and waste and properly dispose of waste.

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